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The worst roads in the world’s richest country

It is not the planning authorities or the central government who decides infrastructure development in Norway, but the local politicians. To put it simple, what in the US is known as “pork barrel spending” is what rules many of Norway’s infrastructure development projects. Why?

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CALL for Papers: NOFOMA 2011
NOFOMA is the network of Nordic researchers within the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Managemen[...]
How to secure your supply chain - 6/7
Although going on 10 years hold, much of this handbook still holds true. I found it by accident when[...]
Book Review: Your Research Project
This book is a must-have for any serious student or budding research. Even if you consider yourself [...]
Book Review: Ethical Risk
This is - for the time being - the sixth and final review of the books in the Gower Short Guides to [...]
Future Value Chain Trends 2020
The twelve future trends that will shape value chains and supply chain management during this decade[...]
Highway Vulnerability and Criticality Assessment
Transportation vulnerability and resilience have been the focus of this blog for the past two days, [...]
from HERE and THERE
Extreme Weather Hazards and Transportation Vulnerability
Weather Extremes: Assessment of Impacts on Transport Systems and Hazards for European Regions. That [...]
Volcanic Ash Cloud Day 5
Today is Day Five of the infamous Iceland volcanic ash cloud disruption. What just a week ago was a [...]