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The worst roads in the world’s richest country

It is not the planning authorities or the central government who decides infrastructure development in Norway, but the local politicians. To put it simple, what in the US is known as “pork barrel spending” is what rules many of Norway’s infrastructure development projects. Why?

Posted in THIS and THAT
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How to secure your supply chain - 5/7
With this post, number five in a series translated from the Swedish book "Säkra företagets flöden", [...]
Maritime Vulnerability
Maritime transport is a vital backbone of today's global and complex supply chains. Unfortunately, t[...]
Book Review: Virtual Teams
This is another post resulting from my literature review when researching background material for my[...]
Book Review: Cooperative Strategy
Cooperative strategy is the attempt by organizations to realize their objectives through cooperation[...]
Global Risks 2009 - Countries at risk?
How will the current financial downturn affect supply chains? That's what we all wonder about, isn't[...]
The supply chain of the future
A recent report by IBM, referenced by Supply Chain Digest in IBM Lays Out its Vision for the Supply [...]
from HERE and THERE
Business Intelligence – a key element in Supply Chain Risk Management
In my postings on supply chain risk and supply chain disruption, there is one thing that I have ov[...]
Business continuity 101
This is the 3rd day with severe transportation and thus supply chain disruptions all over Europe, du[...]