Blog Archives

Geographical Information Systems

The UK Transport Network Resilience…and I

The report, written by the Hyder Consulting Group, dated 2010 and titled Network Resilience and Adaptation, assesses and details in great depth the vulnerability and resilience of the transport infrastructure in the East of England. And it uses me as a reference.

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Book Review: The Geography of Transport Systems

This book will fascinate, because it so brilliantly explains, explores, researches and reviews the spatial impact of transportation systems and how they have shaped the world that surrounds us.

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Book Review: Transportation GIS

This book showcases many examples of how GIS can be applied in the field of transportation using ArcView GIS, but it doesn’t come with any theory. Unfortunately is is more like an overpriced ESRI sales brochure and not a textbook.

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Book review: GIS for Transportation

Mind you, this book is not for the fainthearted, this is solid academic work and specked with references that are hard to get, and you are likely to spend more time in the library reading up on the bibliography than digesting the actual text.

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ArcView Network Analyst Tutorial

This tutorial was developed by Jan Husdal at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 2000-2002. It shows how to solve 3 categories of network analysis problems; Find Best Route, Find Closest Facility and Find Service Area, and it comes complete with exercise data and solutions.

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JavalancheTM – analyzing hazards to roads

Traditionally, in studying the effect of hazards on roads, a hazard map is prepared based on the hazard in question, the contributing factors and then overlaid with a road map. If the road or a buffer around its vicinity intersects hazard areas, these areas constitute a potential threat. In the approach used in this procedure, imagine traveling along the road and looking to either side for hazards.

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Shortest Path Computation: A Comparative Analysis

Current research work into establishing a performance efficiency hierarchy between Java, C++ and ArcView is described and experimentation is performed in order to statistically compare shortest path query execution time, response time and implementation issues.

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A spatial framework for modeling hazards to transportation lifelines

Transportation networks are exposed to a wide range of natural hazards and this study has developed a GIS tool for analyzing these hazards. The primary hazards included in this study are avalanches, landslides, flooding, earthquakes, wildfires, and rockfall. The GIS software used was MFWorks

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Issues in visualization of risk and vulnerability

Visualization technology has emerged as a form of exploratory cartography, which can help explain, analyze and communicate risk.

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MFworks Tutorial

This tutorial, developed in 2002, is a showcase on network analysis in MFworks, with step by step instructions and a summary of the theory behind it.

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The use of air photos in emergency management

Air photos can capture a lot more information than field surveys can, and can assist in a number of situations. Air photos are a tool which should not be left out in any form of emergency management.

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How to make a straight line square

Traditionally, network analysis, path finding and route planning have been the domain of graph theory and vector GIS, which is where most algorithms find their application. Contrary to such common wisdom, the research of this thesis for the Msc in GIS explores the topic of network analysis in raster GIS, using MFworks as example software.

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Fastest path problems in dynamic transportation networks

This research essay and literature review investigates some of the gateways to path finding in static and dynamic networks that are listed in present research literature. A selected set of different approaches are highlighted and set in a broader context, illustrating the various aspects of path finding in static and dynamic networks.

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Book Review: This is where raster GIS started…

Tomlin is a must to any academic student of GIS, since much or nearly all work on raster GIS springs off from Tomlin’s work….well not really, but Geographic Information Systems and Cartographic Modeling by Tomlin sparked the scientific interest in it.

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ERDAS tutorial

This tutorial is taken from my coursework for the MSc in GIS at the University of Leicester, 1999-2000, and is hopefully of use to other students.

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How to use IDRISI GIS

This paper was written in 1999 as part of my coursework for the MSc in GIS at the University of Leicester, UK. Later revised in 2002 and 2008

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Road Transportation Management using GIS – vehicle routing and tracking

Roads are main arteries of modern society’s infrastructure, contributing heavily to the distribution of goods and persons. GIS provides many helpful applications for ensuring a smooth flow, by aiding design, routing, traffic control and real-time navigation.

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Network analysis – raster versus vector – A comparison

The key to producing successful network models is in understanding the relationship between the characteristics of physical network systems and the representation of those characteristics by the elements of the network model.

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Diamonds are forever - suppliers not
Today I am taking a closer look at how buyer-supplier relationships evolve over time. This is the bu[...]
Corporate Social Responsibility
How far does corporate social responsibility go? While corporate social responsibility looks good on[...]
Book Review - Fraud Risk
Last year I was approached by Gower Publishing and invited to review their Short Guides to Business [...]
Book Review: Procurement Risk
"Do yo like living dangerously? Then you should read this book. It exposes you to over seventy types[...]
28 Global Risks in 2015
The  World Economic Forum Global Risks Reports. I first came across them in 2008, when the hyperopti[...]
Supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk?
Supply chain disruption - a global issue? All companies and governments dependent on external suppli[...]
from HERE and THERE
7 out of 10 businesses without a continuity plan
An article today in the paper issue of Dagens Næringsliv, the Norwegian equivalent of the Financial [...]
Fewer suppliers mean fewer choices for consumers
The financial crisis has created an supply chain crisis, says The Economist. As demand for cheap goo[...]