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MFworks Tutorial – 03 Incremental Linkage

This operation infers the lineal characteristic of raster cells, by equating consecutive locations with a set of straight lines between them (Figure 1-3). Based on its relations with neighboring cells that have the same attribute value, each cell is given a linkage value indicating how it is linked to other cells.

Incremental Linkage, cell value infers the linear structure it represents.
© Thinkspace

By assigning a value to each cell equivalent to the linear feature it represents it is possible to create a network similar to a road network. The smaller the cell resolution, the better the real-world road network will be approximated by this procedure.

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MFworks Tutorial – 04 Directional Identifier

The second step to creating a road network in raster GIS is to impose constraints on the flow that can take place from cell to cell. The value assigned to the centre cell in a 3×3 window indicates the directions the flow can take in and or out of this cell. Figure 1-5 shows how a cell value of 10 is inferred from flow in direction 8 and 2.

Tomlin’s directional identifiers: Cell values indicate possible flow direction in or out of cell

The directional identifiers that are to be assigned to any given cell in a road network can be directly inferred from the Incremental Linkage values,

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MFworks Tutorial – 10 Deriving Linkage

linkage = IncrementalLinkage network;

The Linkage operation assigns values indicating how cells are linked together.

MFworks – step by step

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