State of the art in SCRM?
A severe supply chain disruption has hit my own blog: More than a month without a post. It's not tha[...]
Supply Chain Risk Management: A Neural Network Approach
I found a very interesting article by Frank Teuteberg in Strategies and Tactics in Supply Chain Even[...]
Book Review: Managing Risk and Resilience in the Supply Chain
This book is a gem. To me. Where Helen Peck in her article Reconciling supply chain vulnerability, r[...]
Book Review: How Nature Works
How Nature works is a fascinating book. I first heard of the late Per Bak and his sandpile theories [...]
Analysing road vulnerability in Norway
How does the Norwegian Public Roads Administration NRPA assess the vulnerability of the Norwegian ro[...]
Hiperos - the Integrated View of Supplier Risk
Supply chains have gone global. No longer are they a point-to-chain of goods flowing from a source t[...]
from HERE and THERE
D-Day for Norway's Transport Infrastructure
Today, on this ominous date, Friday the 13th, Norway's government is presenting it's development pla[...]
Building the resilient supply chain
Supply chain risk seems to be on everyone's agenda these days, with one event after the other compet[...]