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Oslo airport shut-down…lessons learned?

The airline industry is a highly competitive market and even established airlines like SAS have been forced to give in low-cost carriers and reduce their own prices. But slashing ticket prices often causes slashing service too, in order to keep expenses down. However, the long-term costs of loosing passenger loyalty compared to the short-term costs of dealing with an emergency cannot be underestimated.

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A conceptual framework for supply chain vulnerability
Today's article is one of the earlier works on supply chain vulnerability, published in 2000. A conc[...]
Pyramidal thoughts
A promising title with promising content? Perhaps. If you are a supply chain or logistics profession[...]
The Definition of Agility
Although getting close to 20 years old now, The Agile Virtual Enterprise: Cases, Metrics, Tools, wri[...]
Book Review: This is where raster GIS started...
...well not really, but Geographic Information Systems and Cartographic Modeling by Dana Tomlin spar[...]
Analysing road vulnerability in Norway
How does the Norwegian Public Roads Administration NRPA assess the vulnerability of the Norwegian ro[...]
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
My daily morning routine includes a cup of coffee while watching the World Business Report on BBC Wo[...]
from HERE and THERE
Sustainability means less vulnerability?
Does sustainability improve a a company’s resilience towards supply chain vulnerabilities? Recently,[...]
D-Day for Norway's Transport Infrastructure
Today, on this ominous date, Friday the 13th, Norway's government is presenting it's development pla[...]