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Transportation reliability and vulnerability

This is a philosophical essay on transportation vulnerability, where three fields or subjects are brought together : engineering (reliability and vulnerability), economics (cost and benefits) and politics (decision making).The research essay aims at taking reliability and vulnerability into the realm of cost-benefit analysis to serve as decision support.

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Er rassikring lønnsomt?

Rassikring av veger har en klar samfunnsøkonomisk nytteverdi, men hvor stor er den? De største gevinstene er knyttet til å unngå omkjøring, skape trygghet og redusere antall ulykker. Hvordan måler man dette i kroner?

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When disaster strikes…

Transportation recovery plans need to look beyond their mere purpose of addressing hazards in the transportation network. The transportation network is essential to many community. This implies that the restoration of the transportation network also means the restoration of the economy and the society, not just the infrastructure.

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Supply Chain Disruptions – Does Location Matter?

How are companies located in sparse transport networks affected by supply chain disruptions? Are businesses located in regions with sparse transportation networks more prone to supply chain disruptions than businesses located in more favorable locations? Does a sparse transportation network constrain the supply chain setup, such that it is more vulnerable and more likely to be disrupted?

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Airports – vital to supply chains?

Is the temporary shut-down of Bangkok’s two international airports important in a supply chain perspective? So far, the issue has been stranded tourists, maybe as many as 100000. Not only that, air freight will also be impacted, but why is this important?

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TRB 2009 – are you going there, too?

Are you presenting at the TRB 2009, the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting? Below is the abstract of a paper I will present at TRB2009, the Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting, in Washington, DC, 11-15 January 2009.

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Sparse transportation networks – a nightmare

Sparse transportation networks, like in Norway, are a recipe for supply chain disruptions. Furthermore, unlike in regions with a dense transportation network, supply chain management in a sparse network setting comes close to being business continuity management.

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International Transport Economics Conference 2009

The International Transport Economics Conference (ITrEC) 2009 will be held during June 15-16, 2009, at the University of Minnesota. If you haven’t already done so, make sure to bookmark this conference in your calendar.

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Sparse transportation networks and disruptions

The vulnerability of the transportation network as part of the supply chain is of particular interest in countries or regions with sparsely populated areas, and hence, a sparse transportation network, because sparse transportation networks, and thus sparse supply chains, are vulnerable to many different kinds of internal and external risks.

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Norwegian roads are dangerous!

In a recent study undertaken by the Molde Research Institute in Norway, a point is made that the typical socio-economic impact of road network disruptions in Western Norway varies greatly, depending on a) the traffic volume, b) the actual possibilities of rerouting traffic and c) the composition of the traffic that uses the impacted road.

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Accessibility Index – Transport Network Vulnerability

The starting point for this paper is the question of how to define and find critical locations in a transport network. A network node is vulnerable if loss or degradation of a small number of links diminishes the accessibility of the node. A network link is critical if loss or degradation of the links diminishes the accessibility of the network or of particular nodes

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Cutting back on road spending may not be wise

Improving roads standards is not just a traffic safety issue, but is also a major contributor towards reducing transportation costs and improving overall supply chain quality.

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A lesson in supply chain disruption: German railways during WWII

Supply chain disruptions have occurred as frequently in the past as today, and particular within the military in war times. A supply chain serving a war machine is under extreme strain, but is an essential element in winning or losing not only a battle or two, but an entire war.

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Will Climate Change have an impact on transportation?

Transportation professionals should look into the challenges posed by climate change and incorporate current scientific knowledge into the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of transportation systems.

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Oslo airport shut-down…lessons learned?

The airline industry is a highly competitive market and even established airlines like SAS have been forced to give in low-cost carriers and reduce their own prices. But slashing ticket prices often causes slashing service too, in order to keep expenses down. However, the long-term costs of loosing passenger loyalty compared to the short-term costs of dealing with an emergency cannot be underestimated.

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The Swedish Road Network – Vulnerable or not?

The increase in generalised travel costs weighted by the satisfied or unsatisfied demand when network links are closed is used as a measure of vulnerability for a case study in Northern Sweden, and applied to the terms of importance and exposure.

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How New Zealand develops resilient organisations

As our infrastructure and organisations become ever more networked and interdependent there is a growing need to focus on managing overall system risk. In particular, there is a need to focus not only on the vulnerability of our systems to failure, but also on our ability to manage and minimise the impact of any failures.

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Is Your Supply Chain Vulnerable?

Supply chain vulnerability is an important business issue, but little research has been undertaken into supply chain vulnerabilities. Recently I came across a report on Supply Chain Vulnerability published as early as 2002 by the Cranfield University.

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Cost-Benefit Analysis – an essay about valuation problems

Reliability and vulnerability are important elements in ensuring a smooth 24/7 operation of transportation networks, road networks in particular, and cost-benefit analyses of transportation projects should take this into account. One way of doing this is to say that investments in improved reliability constitute a cost and thereby saved disruption costs constitute a benefit.

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Transport Network Vulnerability Metrics

This paper presents a review of road network vulnerability, seeking to synthesize different terminologies and metrics, among which: reliability, vulnerability, resilience, flexibility, robustness, and adaptive capacity.

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Biting the hand that feeds. All firms are snakes.
'All firms are snakes'. So says Paul D. Cousins in A conceptual model for managing long-term inter-o[...]
Corridor Analysis - A timeline of evolutionary development
Locating a right-of-way for a linear facility such as a pipeline, a transmission line, a railway or [...]
Risk in Virtual Enterprise Networks
Done...I finally made it! Today I submitted my full chapter for the book on Managing Risk in Virtual[...]
Book Review: Logistics Management and Strategy
Logistics Management and Strategy by Alan Harrison and Remko van Hoek does come at very hefty price,[...]
Will Climate Change have an impact on transportation?
Many studies have already examined the potential impacts of climate change on broad sectors of the e[...]
Global Risk Reports
While waiting for the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report for 2009, the continuation of the Glob[...]
from HERE and THERE
INSTR 2010 - Call for papers
I can't believe I haven't mentioned this conference on my blog before., because the call has been ou[...]
International Conference on Flexible Supply Chains in a Global Economy
This conference is hosted by Molde University College, the leading research and education center for[...]